New Features
- Variable Product compatibility
We have added compatibility for the variable products. With the custom variable product feature, you can create a single custom product and add its variations using the custom product builder. For example, you can create a t-shirt product and add variations such as different colors and sizes, this way your customers will enjoy a more dynamic and flexible shopping experience.

- Enhanced Admin Controls
Admins can now enable or disable specific features directly from the designer. This enhancement provides you with more control over the custom product builder.
- You can add the features by checking the required features in designer. The custom product in your woocommerce site will display the selected features with your custom product.

- Don’t wanna see the features you added with the product? Just uncheck the unwanted ones and boom! They are gone.

We hope that these new features will improve that satisfaction level of our valuable customers by providing them with even better controls in managing their woocommerce websites. As always, we would love to hear from you about your experience with our product. We welcome feedback and are here to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter.
Thank you for being a valued partner.
The developers at work 😉
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